Bring the party to life with our LED dance floor.
The Best LED Dance Floors for Rent or For Sale
You were born to be a star, so you better boogie on down atop the bright light of our LED dance floors! The light up dance floors that make parties and special events SO much more magical, LED dance floors are the hottest trend of the year. Whether in need of LED dance floor rentals or an LED dance floor for sale, the buck stops here. We offer LED dance floor rentals but also have LED dance floors for sale.
The neat thing about our LED dance floors is that they are easy to install and even easier to break down. Lightweight and stackable, square panels make life less complicated when it comes to assembling, storing and transporting the dance floor. This means you don't need a whole team of installation specialists to put together or move the pieces. Have a dance party in the backyard, assemble the light up dance floor for a wedding reception with DJ or take it to the beach for a night of dancing under the stars.
No technical expertise required to program your new LED dance floor or rental. The light up panels can be controlled by DMX, via remote control or on a computer using our custom software. Program the dance floor to give off a solid colored glow suitable for the occasion or mix things up when it's time to get funky with the color changing setting. A perfect programmable choice for dance competitions, staging and more.
Own your own LED dance floor to add to event entertainment packages or rent one for single use at a wedding, kid's birthday party, prom, high school dance, gala, fundraiser, talent showcase and so on. We have user-friendly LED dance floors for sale and LED dance floor rentals to fit the needs of all clients and their budgets.